LSAT Notes
About once a week, in the form of an email newsletter, I share useful strategies and insights I’ve picked up during my years teaching the LSAT. I call them “LSAT Notes” – because you can use them to study more effectively and raise your score.
Often these are inspired by breakthroughs my students had that week. Other times, they respond to questions students like you have asked.
My goal is to provide motivation and encouragement along with knowledge about the test and advice about how to study.

What to Expect
In addition to expert insights to help you study effectively and raise your LSAT score, you’ll also receive valuable extra resources to deepen your understanding of the test. These may be links to blog posts, websites, or free tools related to the content of the email.
I’ll also occasionally share with you details about services or products I offer, including tutoring, workshops, study guides, etc. Please rest assured that I share these without using any tactics designed to manipulate you to buy.
To get a sense of what you can expect, here are a few archived messages: